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Eisner Speakers 2024: Hamza Keshk, '25 and Alexandra Ryskin, '28

Friday, 14 Jun 2024

Hamza's Remarks:

My fellow scholars Marko Maruszewski, Keira Kim, Kees Keiper, Sierra Stark, Maya Nyima, Pema Yankey, and Elias Rosenkranz are here to welcome Sania Nixon, the incoming sophomore Eisner Scholar, and the two incoming freshmen Eisner recipients, Malika Kahn Zada and Alexandra Ryskin. On behalf of my fellow scholars and me, congratulations. I hope that the scholarship will have as much of an impact on your life at Roycemore as it did on mine.

Through my hard work and dedication, I was awarded as one of the Eisner Scholars, which provided me the opportunity to attend high school tuition-free. I can honestly say that being a part of the Roycemore community for over a decade has led me out of my shell and has allowed me to become the best version of myself. I have met and connected with teachers in the upper school who I admire and respect a great deal. I feel that teachers at Roycemore genuinely care about their students and their success in school and in life. While at Roycemore, I discovered my passions and future career interests that I want to pursue further in college. I have been able to stay with old friends along with meeting new ones. Making memories that I can look back on with a smile, such as prom on the Odyssey, and going to Red Lobster for endless shrimp with my friends.

The Eisner Scholarship has been instrumental in my success, and my growth as a person. It has pushed me out of my comfort zone, to pursue greater opportunities and to be a leader, such as running for Student Government President, to giving this speech you are hearing at this very moment.

By bestowing the Eisner Stole upon you, we officially welcome you into the community of Roycemore Eisner Scholars. Over your next four years of Upper School, we look to each of you to engage fully in all that Roycemore has to offer, to continue to seek out new opportunities to be a leader and example to your classmates, and to take full advantage of our intentionally small and intimate community by actively seeking and developing strong relationships with the Roycemore faculty and staff.

Congratulations and Welcome, Eisner Scholars.

Alexandra's Remarks:

I am so thankful, and grateful to the Eisner Family. The Eisner Scholarship is a long-standing tradition at Roycemore that allows students the incredible opportunity to attend Roycemore’s Upper School tuition-free. I appreciate having been selected for this prestigious honor, and am excited to be able to fully embrace the opportunities that the Eisner has to offer. As a Roycemore lifer, since Lower School, I knew that some students had this honor, but I did not fully understand what it was. Now I recognize that this scholarship will allow me the opportunity to be seen and known by all my teachers, to be a leader and ambassador for my school, construct and pursue my own academic passions, and take an active role in the creation of my future within the supportive and enriching Roycemore School community. Thank you.

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